Photo Today: Sound of the Police

When I lived in San Jose, I honestly heard sirens left and right. I never knew whether they were mostly emergency vehicles or actual police, but you always heard them while living in the East Side. Surprisingly, living in Philadelphia is a different story. While there is a large police presence (and that might be enough of a deterrent), there isn’t much sound pollution in the form of sirens. Regardless, police photos are always awesome to take. Especially when they shut down a major intersection for who knows what. 6/365.

Kinda felt obligated to link this video.

Photo Today: Freedom

I’m kind of cheating myself for number 5/365 because I couldn’t get out to take a proper photo. But the commitment for this New Year is to just do something creative every day. So today, I went back in time to dig up a photo for the blog. Featured today is a longing I’ve had since moving to Philadelphia, the feeling of freedom outside of the city limits. And while the beaches and hiking trails weren’t necessarily out of the city, they were certainly accessible areas near my vicinity where pavement ended.

Photo Today: Snow Problem

Yesterday I bore witness to the heaviest snow storm to hit Philadelphia since I moved here last May. While it’s far from being record breaking, coming from a California native, you might as well have told me we were in Russia about to get snowed in. On a side note, being in a city during snow season is absolutely beautiful for someone who still sees the novelty in a winter wonderland. As for everyone else, I feel this photo sums up the sentiment quite nicely. 4/365.

Photo Today: Fantasy Tree

I’ve always wondered how people get hired on by National Geographic as I haven’t ever really done landscapes, wildlife, or flora photography. Nature shots seem to have a lot of saturation done to them too, maybe that’s why I was always so bored of the amateur stuff–not enough post processing. When I saw these tree branches, I immediately thought of how much they resembled blood vessels. Granted, these aren’t really interesting when compared to the types of trees photographer, Peter Lik, has come across in this travels. Regardless, here’s my go at it, number 3/365.

Photo Today: Comcast Center

I’ve been in Philly for a couple of months now and still haven’t set foot inside the Comcast Center–I live right by too. Regardless, here’s an obligatory photo of this huge mirrored building.

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